Friday, December 30, 2016

The Holy Family

Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family, and on Sunday we will celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. It is not by accident that these two days fall so closely after we celebrate Christmas Day. We are, after all, still in the Christmas season and these days serve to remind us that God did not just come down to us out of nowhere. He came through a Mother. He came through a family.

Such a powerful witness should make it clear to us just how dear to Christ’s Heart the family is (perhaps an important thing to bear in me during the holidays...). St. Joseph and the Blessed Mother show us the heroism that is involved in parenting; the complete giving over of their lives for the sake of their Child. The Christ Child, for His part, reminds us that even He humbled Himself enough to become a child, totally trusting and obedient to His parents, as we are all called to be, not just to our earthly parents but to our Heavenly Father as well.

Now our families may all be far from the Holy Family, but nonetheless all families are called by God to be a community of love, as the Holy Family was. Of course, we live in a day and age in which family life is under attack in so many different ways, and for many, family can be a source of pain rather than love. As we continue this beautiful Christmas season, I would encourage you to turn to the Holy Family for comfort. Ask St. Joseph, Our Blessed Mother, and of course Christ Himself to fill you with the love of their family, to share that love with all families most in need of it, and to defend the beauty of family life in a world that needs more holy families.

Pax Vobiscum

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

I Love St. Lucy

Today, December 13, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Lucy. You may not be terribly familiar with St. Lucy, but she holds a very special place in my life as a priest and she will forever remain one of my all-time favorite saints.

Lucy was a young girl who lived during the late third and early fourth centuries, at a time when Christianity was still out-lawed by Roman government. Lucy decided to dedicate her life, her body, and her virginity entirely to Christ. Consequently, she enraged a young suitor by rejecting his advances; the suitor denounced her as a Christian and turned her over to the authorities (way to win a girl’s heart, buddy...). She was questioned and threatened with the worst sorts of torture and punishment if she did not renounce her faith, but Lucy remained unwavering. Her tormentors attempted to inflict all kinds of punishments on her but God made her body immovable so that the torturers could do nothing to her, until they finally pulled out their swords and ended her life.

Part of the legend around St. Lucy involves the story of her executioners removing her eyes as part of her torture, although they were miraculously restored. This is whence comes St. Lucy’s title as the patroness of eyesight. Scandinavian countries celebrate the feast of St. Lucy, whose name means “light”, with the tradition of having the oldest girl in the family dress in white with a red sash, white for her purity and red for her martyrdom, and wearing a wreath with lit candles. The young lady would often carry and distribute rolls and cookies to the rest of the family as part of the celebration.

I love the spirit of devotion and admiration for our Catholic heroes and heroines that inspire such pious celebrations; but above all, my admiration for Lucy stems from her willingness to give Christ everything, first her body as a virgin and then her whole life as a martyr. That is the kind of total self-surrendering with which we too need to give ourselves entirely to Jesus, and it is also the kind of devotion and fortitude that we especially need in our young people.  The courage and faith of this brave young girl should indeed serve as a light for us as we continue this season of Advent.

Pax Vobiscum

Monday, December 12, 2016

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Video: St. Nicholas

Here is my second video, dedicated to today's saint, St. Nicholas. Also check out my post on St. Nicholas from last year.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Video: The Season of Advent

I am very pleased to announce my first ever YouTube video! It's on this beautiful season of Advent. More to come, enjoy!