Friday, December 30, 2016

The Holy Family

Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family, and on Sunday we will celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. It is not by accident that these two days fall so closely after we celebrate Christmas Day. We are, after all, still in the Christmas season and these days serve to remind us that God did not just come down to us out of nowhere. He came through a Mother. He came through a family.

Such a powerful witness should make it clear to us just how dear to Christ’s Heart the family is (perhaps an important thing to bear in me during the holidays...). St. Joseph and the Blessed Mother show us the heroism that is involved in parenting; the complete giving over of their lives for the sake of their Child. The Christ Child, for His part, reminds us that even He humbled Himself enough to become a child, totally trusting and obedient to His parents, as we are all called to be, not just to our earthly parents but to our Heavenly Father as well.

Now our families may all be far from the Holy Family, but nonetheless all families are called by God to be a community of love, as the Holy Family was. Of course, we live in a day and age in which family life is under attack in so many different ways, and for many, family can be a source of pain rather than love. As we continue this beautiful Christmas season, I would encourage you to turn to the Holy Family for comfort. Ask St. Joseph, Our Blessed Mother, and of course Christ Himself to fill you with the love of their family, to share that love with all families most in need of it, and to defend the beauty of family life in a world that needs more holy families.

Pax Vobiscum

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

I Love St. Lucy

Today, December 13, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Lucy. You may not be terribly familiar with St. Lucy, but she holds a very special place in my life as a priest and she will forever remain one of my all-time favorite saints.

Lucy was a young girl who lived during the late third and early fourth centuries, at a time when Christianity was still out-lawed by Roman government. Lucy decided to dedicate her life, her body, and her virginity entirely to Christ. Consequently, she enraged a young suitor by rejecting his advances; the suitor denounced her as a Christian and turned her over to the authorities (way to win a girl’s heart, buddy...). She was questioned and threatened with the worst sorts of torture and punishment if she did not renounce her faith, but Lucy remained unwavering. Her tormentors attempted to inflict all kinds of punishments on her but God made her body immovable so that the torturers could do nothing to her, until they finally pulled out their swords and ended her life.

Part of the legend around St. Lucy involves the story of her executioners removing her eyes as part of her torture, although they were miraculously restored. This is whence comes St. Lucy’s title as the patroness of eyesight. Scandinavian countries celebrate the feast of St. Lucy, whose name means “light”, with the tradition of having the oldest girl in the family dress in white with a red sash, white for her purity and red for her martyrdom, and wearing a wreath with lit candles. The young lady would often carry and distribute rolls and cookies to the rest of the family as part of the celebration.

I love the spirit of devotion and admiration for our Catholic heroes and heroines that inspire such pious celebrations; but above all, my admiration for Lucy stems from her willingness to give Christ everything, first her body as a virgin and then her whole life as a martyr. That is the kind of total self-surrendering with which we too need to give ourselves entirely to Jesus, and it is also the kind of devotion and fortitude that we especially need in our young people.  The courage and faith of this brave young girl should indeed serve as a light for us as we continue this season of Advent.

Pax Vobiscum

Monday, December 12, 2016

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Video: St. Nicholas

Here is my second video, dedicated to today's saint, St. Nicholas. Also check out my post on St. Nicholas from last year.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Video: The Season of Advent

I am very pleased to announce my first ever YouTube video! It's on this beautiful season of Advent. More to come, enjoy!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Divided We Fall

So. Donald Trump is our new president. Now what are we to do? I say, let’s all just take a deep breath. There are two extremes which trouble me that currently seem to be in vogue. The one that is getting the most attention is the protesting. Putting aside the violent outbreaks that have happened within these protests, let us simply take the protests themselves at face value. Let me begin by saying this: I understand. Really, I do. I understand the anger, I understand the fear, I understand the hurt. 

But here’s what I’m having a hard time with: the biggest “fruit” of this whole election has been one of division. Everywhere, division. Friends, families, communities, countries even. To which I can’t help but ask, “Is it really worth all that?” Are Trump and Clinton really worthy of all the discord we’ve suffered over them? I’d like to posit that what we need now as a country, and as citizens of that country, is unity. And on that note, I further can’t help but wonder what good comes from protesting an election that has already happened? To my mind, it serves no purpose but to continue the division, which is precisely what we don’t need right now. The cold, hard fact is that according to our method of voting, Donald Trump is the president-elect. We can move on and try to heal, or we can keep sowing seeds of division.

Having said all that, there is another camp, perhaps less obvious but very prevalent in the world of Catholic media, which celebrates the results of this election with a certain kind of triumphalism, as though we have all just won a great victory for the Pro-Life cause. Ummmmm.....really? Have we? At the very least, I think we need to wait and see. Now I certainly don’t want to mitigate the significance and weight of the abortion issue in this election, particularly for us as Catholics. However, I’m just not entirely sure that Donald Trump has presented himself in such a way that should make us as Catholics say, “Thank God, our hero has emerged victorious!”  Particularly in light of the fact that there are those who are genuinely shaken by the thought of Donald Trump as president. Again, it is a question of division versus unity. Which do we actually need?

Bottom-line: I feel as though there are two fundamental truths of which this election has made us lose sight. Number One: Hate is not good. I honestly feel as though this is something we have all forgotten, myself included. We hate Trump, we hate Clinton, we hate people who support one or the other. Wait, what? Why, in heaven’s name, is that necessary? Yes, this election was significant, and yes, we should care who the president is. But are we so attached to the world of politics that we allow hate to disrupt our daily lives? It is truly amazing how sensitive and even outraged we can be at another person’s hate and yet totally blind to our own. This is the point I’m trying to make about division. We don’t need hate; we don’t need division. And yes, even as I write this, I am painfully aware of how embarrassingly cliched this sounds, but the answer can only be love. Not the overly-sentimentalized version of love which just made you sick to your stomach when I used the word. The kind that is never trite or cliched. The kind that says, “I love you even when you don’t deserve it. Even when it hurts.” The kind of love with which Christ loves us.

Which brings me to Fundamental Truth Number Two: God is in charge. Worry, fear, anxiety-none of these are fruitful. This whole Chicken Little, “the world is over!”, type of mentality is not from God and does nothing for us as a country or a Church, not to mention our own peace of mind. Our faith is not in our politicians (thank God!). Our faith is in the God Who loves us even when we don’t deserve it, even when it hurts. I think this especially bears remembering in light of the feast of Christ the King of the Universe, which we have just celebrated. Donald Trump is only the President of the United States. Jesus Christ is King of the Universe. It’s all going to be okay.

Pax Vobiscum

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Turn Me Over, I'm Done on This Side...

Well first of all, I really must apologize yet again for my gross negligence. I was inspired to emerge once again from my blog-guilt by today's saint, St. Lawrence.

St. Lawrence was one of the first deacons and was brutally martyred by being roasted alive. But this is why I love him: while he's being roasted, as legend has it, he taunted his torturers with the words, "Turn me over, I'm done on this side." WHILE HE'S BEING ROASTED ALIVE. You see what I'm saying? How can you not love this guy?

I dare say, I think we could use a good dose of the spirit of St. Lawrence in our own day and age. This type of in-your-face/do-your-worst/does-it-look-like-I-care? approach to suffering is something that could do us all good (myself foremost!).

I recently heard a talk by an exorcist in which he describes the ways in which certain demons affect certain generations. Previous generations knew what it was like to truly suffer, just to stay alive and earn a daily living. Nowadays, we are so embarrassingly spoiled that when our phone reception is bad, we think it's the end of the world. This type of habitual self-indulgence, so the exorcist says, makes it easier for us to move away from God. And moving away from God makes it easier for demons to move in.

The remedy? To embrace suffering and self-denial. This doesn't mean that we become masochists or go through life with rose-colored glasses, naively oblivious to the reality of pain and suffering. But only by uniting our suffering to that of Christ can we find any meaning or peace in it at all. I dare say there were probably many people who looked at this man dying on a cross and thought, "What a sad and pointless death." We can go through life approaching our own suffering in the same way. And that's when the suffering can overwhelm us.

But through His suffering and death, the entire world is saved and the joy of humanity is restored. It is only when we unite our suffering to His that we can find our own salvation from the suffering, our own joy from the pain. If we surrender our suffering to God, rather than run from it, it loses it's power. The more we try to control it or run from it, the more it rules us. No, its not going to magically go away as soon as you turn to Jesus. But you can still have peace despite the suffering. It can lose its grip on you, as indeed it had no grip at all over St. Lawrence.

So stop running from pain (or even mild discomfort). Jesus wants to meet you in your suffering, to remind you that you are never alone. So don't be afraid. Be like St. Lawrence. And when suffering comes your way, tell it to turn you over.

Pax Vobiscum

Monday, March 21, 2016

Holy Week

There is a reason way this entire week is called “Holy Week”. This is the week in which we walk with Our Lord through the absolute most important moments in His Life (and ours, for that matter). From the triumphant entrance of Christ on Palm Sunday, to the celebration of the Eucharist and the Priesthood on Holy Thursday, to the mournful solemnity of Good Friday, and finally to the glorious culmination of the most beautiful night of the entire year: the Easter Vigil, when we celebrate the victory of Christ over sin and death and the new life He has won for us.

This year, do no let this week go by unnoticed, for it is indeed the holiest of weeks. This is the week in which we enter into the most important mysteries of our faith. The whole reason why we are Catholic is that Christ has saved us from sin and death, the most crucial and most beautiful thing that anyone could ever do for us. This week is an opportunity not just to remember these mysteries, but even better, to enter into them with Christ, to walk with Christ Himself through His suffering, through His death, and finally through His triumph. 

That is why I cannot say enough to encourage everyone to take advantage of these beautiful celebrations, particularly if you have not experienced them before. Or even if you can’t, don’t just go through the week as usual, waiting for Easter Sunday to roll around like any other Sunday. Ask Jesus for the privilege of walking with Him through this time. Throw yourself into the beauty of our faith at it’s most dramatically pivotal moments. 

After all, there are 52 weeks in a year, but there is only one Holy Week.

Pax Vobiscum

Friday, February 26, 2016

On Prayer

During Lent, the Church calls to take up three traditional practices, all of which are mentioned in the Gospel for Ash Wednesday: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Today, I’d like to focus on prayer.

Too often we tend to think of prayer as a chore or obligation, and one that we are not particularly good at keeping. Like flossing. You know, like when you go to the dentist and he asks if you’ve been flossing and so you feel guilty for not flossing, which inspires you to be better at flossing, but unfortunately it only lasts about two days and then the incentive wears off? Sometimes prayer can feel like that too.

And yet at the same time, we tend to wonder where God is in our lives and why He doesn’t make Himself known more. But how can we encounter God in our lives if we never make time for Him? That’s like expecting someone, to whom we never even talk, to solve all of our life problems. Perhaps we would take prayer more seriously if we understood it for what it truly is: our own personal time with the One Who alone can speak the words we so desperately need to hear, Who alone can answer the deepest questions of our hearts. 

This Lent, may we try to see prayer not as one more item on our already over-crowded to-do list, but as the place we go to find strength and peace from our over-crowded to-do list. Not as another thing in our lives, but as the one thing our lives cannot be without. Basically, as something just a little more important than flossing...

Pax Vobiscum

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Four-Letter Words That Begin with "L"...

hate Lent. No, I’m serious. I really hate Lent. I hate Lent because it forces me to say “no” to myself. And that hurts. It really hurts. And I don’t like it.

And that, I’m afraid, is kind of the point. I don’t mean to say that the whole point of Lent is pure misery and suffering for the sake of misery and suffering, but the whole point of Lent is to re-direct our love back to Christ. What do we really love? I mean really. I don’t mean “to what do we pay lip-service because we know we have to?”.  I mean what do we really love? What are the things in life that make us say, “I can’t live without...”(fill in the blank). Lent is simply the time to re-examine that question, and to remove those things in our life that perhaps fight for our love, for the place in our life that only God is meant to have.

The Collect (the Opening Prayer) for Mass today (Ash Wednesday) says, "Grant, O Lord, that we may begin with holy fasting this campaign of Christian service, so that, as we take up battle against spiritual evils, we may be armed with weapons of self-restraint." When was the last time we approached Lent as a "campaign of Christian service" or a "battle against spiritual evils"? Furthermore, how often do we think of self-restraint as a weapon with which to arm ourselves agains the Enemy? Yet that is the reality we live in. We live in a world at war, a war between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan. And the fight is over our hearts. Lent is a time to take that fight seriously and to exercise our spiritual muscles so that our allegiance to God is made all the stronger. And one of the greatest weapons we have is the ability to say "no" to ourselves, for that is exactly the opposite of Satan's strategy. 

Saying “Yes” to something (or Someone) means saying “no” to other things. Loving someone, truly loving them, means at some point saying “no” to ourselves. Loving Christ means saying “no” to ourselves. And that’s the part that hurts. But anything in life worth doing is almost always going to cost us something. Anyone worth the loving is worth the hurting. And that’s okay. Because we are made for more than just creature comforts and guilty pleasures. We are made for love, and not just love, but the highest love. The kind that can can only be found when Jesus is truly the one thing in our life that we can’t live without.

So you don’t have to love Lent. You just have to love Jesus.

Pax Vobiscum

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Song Commentary: "Hide Away" by Daya

Finally, a female pop singer who gets it. These days, I tend to be extremely jaded when it comes to female pop stars. This past summer left a particularly bad taste in my mouth (or sound in my ears, as the case may be).

Then along comes this little lady named Daya with her first (I think...) single called "Hide Away", which is currently in the Billboard Top 10. The refrain mournfully laments (in a female pop sorta way) the seeming absence of very many good guys from which a poor girl can choose: "Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away? I'm a good, girl who needs a little company..." I hear ya, Sweetie. Like Daya, many virtuous young ladies lament the lack of virtuous young men in their lives.

Ah, but the verses get even more interesting. They seem to serve as an indictment of both girls and boys for setting low standards both for their own conduct and in their expectations with the opposite sex. The song opens with these words, "Boys seem to like the girls who laugh at anything, The ones who get undressed before the second date." Sadly accurate...and the song goes on: "Girls seem to like the boys who don't appreciate, All the money and the time that it takes, to be fly as a mother." Wait...what did she say? "Fly as a mother."..."Fly as a mother"?...Yes, definitely "Fly as a mother"...twice she says it. When was the last time you heard a pop song in which motherhood is described as "fly"? (For those of you of a certain age, "fly" is a good thing...).

But wait, it's still not over. The second (and last) verse largely echoes the themes of the first verse but adds at the end a further description of the man of her dreams: "Suit and tie cause under cover, He's gonna save my life like superman." Whoa, wait...She is saying the man of her dreams will look like a gentleman and fight for her like a superhero? Seriously, had I myself written the lyrics to a pop song and given it to Daya, I don't think I could have done better. Within a 3 and 1/2 minute pop song, she laments the very condition that most pop songs praise (namely, guys only wanting want thing and girls being willing to give it to them), she holds both buys and girls to a higher standard and suggests that true love is found in waiting and commitment, she makes motherhood sound cool, AND she acknowledges that there is nothing wrong with wanting a guy who will actually come through for her (i.e. like a superhero).  Good gosh, why can't they all be like her?!

So often the radio is plagued with insipid songs about girls willing do whatever and guys who expect them to do whatever....and everyone wonders why we are so jaded about love. Here is a girl who is on to something: namely that true love isn't found in fleeting flirtations and sensual seductions, but instead is found in life-long commitment.

Furthermore, her commentary on womanhood is also very telling. She recognizes that part of the beauty in womanhood is found in motherhood and that as a woman motherhood is nothing to be ashamed of but indeed is an integral and beautiful part of what makes her a woman and that any guy worth her time had darn well better recognize that.

Also, while rejecting the need for any man's fleeting attention, she praises the idea of expecting the man in her life to come through for her. In this day and age, the idea of a woman expecting a man to come through for her is seen a sign of weakness (not unlike motherhood). Yet Daya expresses this sentiment as a normal, healthy, beautiful desire for any young lady to have. Sadly, so many women have given up on men coming through for them because....well they just don't. Instead, they tend to be the other type that she sings about, the kind who only want one thing from women.

Yes Daya, you're right. You deserve better. As does every other woman out there.

Pax Vobiscum