Monday, March 21, 2016

Holy Week

There is a reason way this entire week is called “Holy Week”. This is the week in which we walk with Our Lord through the absolute most important moments in His Life (and ours, for that matter). From the triumphant entrance of Christ on Palm Sunday, to the celebration of the Eucharist and the Priesthood on Holy Thursday, to the mournful solemnity of Good Friday, and finally to the glorious culmination of the most beautiful night of the entire year: the Easter Vigil, when we celebrate the victory of Christ over sin and death and the new life He has won for us.

This year, do no let this week go by unnoticed, for it is indeed the holiest of weeks. This is the week in which we enter into the most important mysteries of our faith. The whole reason why we are Catholic is that Christ has saved us from sin and death, the most crucial and most beautiful thing that anyone could ever do for us. This week is an opportunity not just to remember these mysteries, but even better, to enter into them with Christ, to walk with Christ Himself through His suffering, through His death, and finally through His triumph. 

That is why I cannot say enough to encourage everyone to take advantage of these beautiful celebrations, particularly if you have not experienced them before. Or even if you can’t, don’t just go through the week as usual, waiting for Easter Sunday to roll around like any other Sunday. Ask Jesus for the privilege of walking with Him through this time. Throw yourself into the beauty of our faith at it’s most dramatically pivotal moments. 

After all, there are 52 weeks in a year, but there is only one Holy Week.

Pax Vobiscum