The Gospel for today is the Annunciation - the angel Gabriel announcing the birth of Jesus to Mary. There is a beautiful homily written by St. Bernard, which he writes as though addressing it directly to Mary, as one who is anxiously waiting for her to consent to being the Mother of God. He says, "We too are waiting, O Lady, for your word of compassion; the sentence of condemnation weighs heavily upon us. The price of our salvation is offered to you. We shall be set free at once if you consent." St. Bernard speaks on behalf of all humanity, which is still held in captivity under the weight of sin. We too, like him, await to be set free from our captivity. And our salvation will come indeed, if only Our Lady consents to the angel's message.
The homily builds, emphasizing that all creation awaits with ever-growing anticipation the answer that Mary will give. Saint Bernard encourages Mary not to hesitate but to answer quickly, for the salvation of the entire world depends on her word. Finally, the homily ends with the words of Mary's response, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to your word." With these precious words, it is as though the whole of creation breathes an immense sigh of the sweetest relief, knowing that our salvation is near at hand.
In these last few days leading up to Christmas, we too await with all creation the arrival of our Savior.
We too experience that same sense of growing anticipation, awaiting the word of our salvation to be spoken and knowing that immense relief when it finally comes. Like Our Lady, let us open our hearts to the arrival of her Son. Let us welcome Him into our life, as Mary did, inviting God's will to be accomplished in us, as it was in Mary, so that our Salvation may indeed arrive. Be it done to all of us according to His Word.
Pax Vobiscum
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