Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Advent Vents: O Come Already...

Waiting can be difficult. Waiting for God to act when we want Him to can be very difficult. Yet waiting reminds us (albeit in a somewhat painful sort of way) that we are not in charge, that we are dependent on Someone bigger than us. In short, it reminds us that we are not God.

As the nearness of Christmas makes itself felt upon our consciousness, perhaps we feel as though we are once again getting lost in the chaos of the season. Perhaps it feels, once again, like all the other years. Perhaps, on some deeper level, it feels as though God is not acting when we want Him to. That's okay. But then again, perhaps it's not too late.

In these last remaining hours of Advent, let us bring to Jesus whatever it is that is getting in our way from truly embracing this season. Let us give to Him whatever it is that bothers us most, whatever it is that is holding us bound. Whether it be our worst fears, our greatest shame, our most embarrassing addictions, or our ugliest sins. Whatever is holding us captive, let us take a moment before Christmas is truly here to turn to God in our weakness and acknowledge that we need Someone bigger than ourselves to set us free. Because that is precisely why He comes among us at Christmas in the first place: to set us free.

As the words of the most famous of Advent hymns, "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel", longingly implores "and ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lonely exile here..." We too are held captive by sin and by all the darkness and confusion that goes with it. But take hope. Our King, Emmanuel, is coming to free us. Maybe not exactly when we want or in the way we want. But that's okay, because He is God. He is exactly the One we need.

Pax Vobiscum

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