Monday, March 2, 2015

Countdown to Ordination: The Diaconate

As I alluded to in my previous post on St. Agatha, I went through a long period during the holiday season of not posting anything new. The main reason for this is that at the time I was somewhat overwhelmed, not only with the usual load of school work and responsibilities, but also because there was much to do for my impending Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate. Over a month after the fact, it remains surreal to me that the big day has already come and gone. I am now an ordained cleric. I have promised to remain celibate and to pray the Divine Office for the rest of my life. I can now preach, administer the Sacrament of Baptism, and preside at weddings.

I cannot begin to describe the wave of emotion that went through me on this day. Every step of the way was a new, profound joy - as I made my promise of celibacy, as Cardinal Sean placed his hands on my head, as I vested in the garb of a deacon, as I continued to assist Cardinal Sean for the remainder of the Mass in my new role, as I proclaimed the Gospel for the first time later that day, as I gave my first homily, as I raised the chalice, filled with the Precious Blood of Our Lord at the Great Amen. And on and on it goes. Alongside all this, I was continually supported by the love and devotion of so many of my friends and family who made the day that much more special.

As time has gone by, the blessings have not stopped. I still cannot believe that despite my profound unworthiness, God has blessed me with such a beautiful life. And to think...the best is yet to come.

Pax Vobiscum