I have officially been blessed with inheriting a chalice that I can now claim as my own, upon entering my final year in the seminary. The chalice holds a very special place in the heart of the priest, for it is in this very cup that he is blessed to hold ordinary wine and consecrate it into the Blood of Christ Himself.
On the bottom of my chalice is inscribed the name of the priest that it originally belonged to: "Rev. John P. Welsh, ordained May 25, 1922" It is profoundly moving to think that across the decades of time, Fr. Welsh and I will be united by the same chalice and more importantly by the same Blood of Christ. It is also a testament to the timelessness of the Mass and of the noble calling to the priesthood. Fr. Welsh and I may be ordained 93 years apart, but we will always share the same chalice, the same calling, and the same Lord.
It is important for the priest especially to unite himself to the image of Christ's Blood. For it is by spilling his blood that Christ accomplishes the work of our salvation. In the Sacrifice of the Mass, the priest, standing in the person of Christ at the altar, is united to the Sacrifice of Calvary.The same Blood that Christ pours out for the world is the same Blood that the priest (that I myself, God willing) holds in his chalice. And as Christ lays down his life for the salvation of His flock, the priest must lay down his life for the sake of the flock that Christ entrusts to him.
When Jesus is anticipating His sacrifice in the Garden of Gethsemane, He says to His Heavenly Father, "Take this cup away from me", before saying, "Thy will be done." I am ashamed to think of how much of my life I have spent saying to God, "Take this cup away from me." As my ordination date draws ever closer, it is only with the grace and strength of Christ that I can say, "Thy will be done." May He continue to give me that grace and strength until the day that I meet Him face to face. It is with overwhelming gratitude and a deep sense of my unworthiness that I look forward to drinking from the cup of Our Lord.
Pax Vobiscum